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Za nim wyjedziesz...

W tym miejscu znajdziesz niezbędne informację jak przygotować przed wyjazdem i co przede wszystkim powienieneś wiedzieć.

Image by Alexander Nrjwolf

ID card or Passport UE

Certainly, the most important document that allows you to work in the Netherlands is the European Union passport or ID card. You will need it when traveling to the Netherlands as well as when working. In case of possible personal identification, it is important to have

it with you.This is the only document you need to take care of.

Remember that a cracked, illegible or otherwise damaged document is invalid.


BSN number

BSN - sofi number

The second superior document for employment in the Netherlands is the BSN pass, the   

so-called identification number assigned by
the Dutch Municipality. Every person living and working in the Netherlands has such a number.

If this is your first time in the Netherlands,

we will arrange for you to meet at the municipal office to obtain your BSN. It is worth remembering to have an identity document

with you.

If you have a BSN but you lost the document, we will help you obtain a duplicate, for this purpose € 50 must be paid in advance as an administration fee. It will be returned to the employee after 3 working weeks.

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Bank account

Each future employee is obliged to set up

a personal bank account.

In order to avoid financial complications

it is worth taking care of a bank account before leaving because it is not accepted to use a third party account number

(wife, mother, father, sister, girlfriend).

Image by Jonas Leupe

Smartphone or tablet

It is also worth getting a device that will help you freely use the P4F application.

Through to the application, you can digitally sign contracts and declarations. Clear view of your payslips. P4F is simple to operate and you have everything in one place..



Have you completed a course, e.g. a welder, or have you been trained to drive various types of forklifts or other machines?

It is worth taking with you such documents about completed courses, because they can help you find the right job and improve your qualifications.

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The Netherlands as a small country has a thriving infrastructure. So no worries with difficulties in commuting to work. The Interim Jobs B.V agency provides its employees with cars, buses and bicycles. Depending on how far the work place is from your accommodation. Sometimes it happens that the accommodation is close to the apartment then the employee can easily walk.

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